Have Your Words Heard

October 29th, 2022 • 3 min read

A Ghostwriter Shouldn't Scare You

No, a ghostwriter isn't really a writer of ghost stories... unless the author being ghostwritten for happens to actually be writing about ghosts. Using a ghostwriter shouldn’t scare you. The fact is ghostwriting isn't as rare as one might think. This week, you may well have heard about one of the most recently anticipated books that has been ghostwritten. Announced by Penguin Random House, it is titled Spare: Life in the Shadows, the much-talked about tell-all memoir by Prince Harry, aka Harry Wales, Duke of Sussex.

Ghostwriting is a popular choice for those people or business owners who don't necessarily have time to write or simply may not want to write, but can certainly help supply the information, potential background research and direction of the content so that it reflects the actual vision of their desired final draft of their book.

You can expect to have regular one-on-one meetings with your ghostwriter, telephone interviews, providing them with access to diaries or personal journals, all under the strictest of confidence. They usually sign a non-disclosure contract in addition to agreeing to exchange their byline credit for a premium fee, for which they earn as they are meticulous and are exceptional at what they do. Capturing the author’s voice is often seen as a gift, as they are invested in getting it right and some find it a challenging endeavour, preferred over seeking attention. Particularly if it helps the rarer voice’s story getting told, as is paramount for Peninsula Editorial Consultancy.

It is one of the biggest parts of the ghostwriter’s skillset. One New York Times bestselling ghostwriter, Jodi Lipper, was known to have stated that many of the non-fiction books that make it on to the infamous list is ghostwritten. She is said to have quoted in Refinery29 as saying, “My brand is not having a brand. My brand is being able to capture other authors’ voices.”

Using such experienced professional writing services gives the 'author' (yes, they usually instigate the project and give the writer the focus and scope of the project) the peace of mind that ensures the creation of a page-turning, lively read.

Of the main types of ghostwriting projects, which include: memoirs or autobiographies, such as Spare; business books that can help promote a business; social media content; song writing; and speeches, most work falls under the non-fiction umbrella of writing, so it is especially important that they find a qualified and experienced writer who can do the job justice.

There are many factors that play into deciding to use a ghostwriter, from lack of time or experience in writing skills, to hiring one that did a great job and keeping the consistency of voice going. These ‘ghosts’ may be invisible–hence the moniker– but are worth their weight in gold for any celebrity, business professional or artist. No tricks here, just a treat to work with.

For more information on how a ghostwriter might help impact your business or brand, click on this linked article, What Is Ghostwriting? All About This Writing Style | Upwork or drop us a line in the chat.